
对不起, 近日少写..甚至没写..W.H.Y-->WHY?

1. 追赶那166页的鸡肠版<<达.文西密码>> - 誓必电影上映前, 需赶完这本书.
2. 沉迷于<<达.文西密码>>-没想到越读越起劲, 每晚放工回来后, 都会刨书. 那么短的时间里所发生的事, 竟可以写出一本这么吊我口味的一本书. 佩服!
3.眼睛累了-看得书来,都已经午夜十二时了. 即使我精神尚在, 但也该让我的眼睛休息.
4.工作量剧增的开始-为了客户要求, 我必须好好谨慎防守我的岗位. 任何差错, 随时被人坎, 被人斩!
5.公司电脑没有设中文软体-即使有, 这周的确没空在工作时间写部落.

我想以上五个理由, 再给我以一天写五则稿件交稿, 应该会换取您的宽容大量吧!
无论是与否, 谢啦~Arigato Gozaimazu!


pepC said…
Managed to submit 3 copies 1st..is getting late n tired..drafted d rest..but need to edit..so, pls stay tuned!
Anonymous said…
kekeke...ok ,fong ni yi ma ...... cos i know davinci code is nice to read,kekekeke ....june u will b busy busy too, cos you hv to watch world cup with me, kekeke...i will pick u up every 3am to mamak to watch world cup with me k : )
pepC said…
mai siao liao. If u insist tat 3am pick up, I'll hv to say I'm not interested to bet with u on tis world cup match. Plus u also hvn't acknowledge me abt the betting agreement yet.
Btw, pls dun laugh tat way..sounds horrible.

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