
抱歉了, 我的身子.
抱歉了, 我的健康.
无法好好照顾自己, 结果再次因健康欠佳而入院.

倘若说我没有吃, 倒不是.
吃到不干净的, 我又没有上吐下泻.
不过, 就是打从周六下午开始隐隐作痛至周日. (整晚的折腾, 不适..我想我可以当忍痛高手了吧)
吃过药, 依旧疼痛, 更让我束手无策.
再加上Home Alone, 算了. 还是听取朋友的劝告, 到医院去.

入院一事, 吓坏了刚赴KL的父母.
老爸在电话中, 微微颤抖的声音..我想我一定令他担心死了!(的确, 他们吃也不安)

选择入院, 是我认为所服食的药物已起不了作用.
加上家里无人, 我总不能一直留住那两位好友相伴.
所以, 入院是唯一良策.
医院有护士, 医生. 有药物供服食..总好比呆家好.

不干净的食物会导致胃部发炎而产生剧痛, 我想我可答应今后要小心饮食, 定时进食..但不担保不会案件重演. (因为干净的定义很广, 还有我的内部的接收能力也会因情况而定)

p/s : 那天有收到SMS的朋友们, 请放心了. 如今我经已出院. 当时的pls come fast fast, 有必声明:我的两位良友因为我, 忙得饿坏肚了, 又累..所以需要come fast fast with FOOD to supply. 请见谅!


AMC said…
I was surprise to know that you has just came out from the hospital. Even when i almost broke my head after falling from the motorbike i didnt go to hospital, so i think this time must be serious for you. Please take a good care of yourself and stay good and strong. We are not 15 anymore. And I am looking forward to eat laksa with you when i come back to the island next time.
pepC said…
I'll ensure I maintain a healthy body/mind/lifestyle, but if there's any infection/illness caused by any virus/bacteria, I also hardly can control it.
To me, hospital is a place where u get the expertize treatment/medicine/care, I wouldn't admit if it's not tat severe pain(which actually starts on Sat evening till the next day).I bet u recognize tat kind of pain too huh..

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