可是, 朦朦胧胧的意境中仿佛看到一个人的身影. 还隐约听见他说:"我回来了!"
而我则支支吾吾地好像应了一声, 但是就累得无法多说些什么, 只想一直睡下去.
早上醒来时, recall记忆, 倒带...没有记错应该是老弟回来的呀!
可是, 房间里都没有他, 也没有看到属于他的物件.
所以, 转过身子, 依然赖床.
再度听到周六的闹钟铃声后, 我才真正醒了过来, 挣开眼睛观看四周.
就在此时, 意识到插座旁好像有个盒子. 于是, 把手一伸, 握住了后开心地笑.
"哈哈, 这次真的不是梦了! "我可以确定半夜看到的那人是老弟, 他又回来了!
UNAZUKIN娃娃-会随着四周的声音而点头, 摇头. (瞧, 她微笑的表情, 可爱喔~)
“Unazukin is a special friend who is always ready to listen to you and give advice. She loves to hear your stories and for you to share your thoughts with her. She is very wise and knowledgeable and loves nothing more than for you to ask her questions. What will be her reply? A simple 'Yes' or 'No'. or something more definite?”(Source:Wikipedia)
Simply ask a question (”Am I staggeringly attractive/Does my bum look big in this?”) and Unazukins will answer with a yes (one nod), a definite yes (two nods), a no (one head shake), or a definite no (double head shake).
他醒后, 不忘谢谢他以及探问这份是属于什么礼物?
什么都不是, 是心意礼物一份.
(嘿嘿~那么我还可以期待下一份生日礼物的到来咯, 哈哈!)
可是, 朦朦胧胧的意境中仿佛看到一个人的身影. 还隐约听见他说:"我回来了!"
而我则支支吾吾地好像应了一声, 但是就累得无法多说些什么, 只想一直睡下去.
早上醒来时, recall记忆, 倒带...没有记错应该是老弟回来的呀!
可是, 房间里都没有他, 也没有看到属于他的物件.
所以, 转过身子, 依然赖床.
再度听到周六的闹钟铃声后, 我才真正醒了过来, 挣开眼睛观看四周.
就在此时, 意识到插座旁好像有个盒子. 于是, 把手一伸, 握住了后开心地笑.
"哈哈, 这次真的不是梦了! "我可以确定半夜看到的那人是老弟, 他又回来了!
UNAZUKIN娃娃-会随着四周的声音而点头, 摇头. (瞧, 她微笑的表情, 可爱喔~)
“Unazukin is a special friend who is always ready to listen to you and give advice. She loves to hear your stories and for you to share your thoughts with her. She is very wise and knowledgeable and loves nothing more than for you to ask her questions. What will be her reply? A simple 'Yes' or 'No'. or something more definite?”(Source:Wikipedia)
Simply ask a question (”Am I staggeringly attractive/Does my bum look big in this?”) and Unazukins will answer with a yes (one nod), a definite yes (two nods), a no (one head shake), or a definite no (double head shake).
他醒后, 不忘谢谢他以及探问这份是属于什么礼物?
什么都不是, 是心意礼物一份.
(嘿嘿~那么我还可以期待下一份生日礼物的到来咯, 哈哈!)