
周三的电影日, 我看了这部电影-Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
难得的可以赶在6点前下班, 却困了1小时的车龙.
喜欢Natalie吗? 我喜欢啊~记得星际大战时曾有一位男同事对她为之疯狂呢!

电影好看吗? 嗯, 还是那句-因人而异咯!
灯光一亮, 就听见一位观众对着手机说:
"Gao Sai~mm zai hami hee!gao giak..gao giak.."

但是对于一个小小的我来说, 简单写实的生活态度, 观念...
于是, 从这部电影里我看到了某些寓意, 某些影子, 某个自己.
于是, 我相信了相信. (I believed in Belief)
于是, 我幻想了幻想. (I imagined in Imagination)
于是, 我得到了启发和一块四方木块.

"You have to believe it to see it"
"Your life is an occasion, rise to it."
"When you look at me, what do you see in me?"
"Sparkle? ..Twinkle?..Glint?"
"Are you dying?" "Light bulbs die, my dear."
"He dies."

喜欢故事引发, 启发对生命, 对自己的醒觉.
每个人都会有'离去'的一天, '离去'是延续下一章生命的旅程.
(The ending is just a beginning of another story)
一点点的不舍/难过也许是人都会有的伤感. (毕竟, 人是有血有肉的感情动物)
但是, 留下来的人依然还要继续坚强的, 勇敢地活下去!

"There is joy in everything. Finding the joy in each activity, each of life's obstacles and triumphs. Love the world you find. That is the key to happiness and success. We all tend to think the grass is greener on the other side. This is not the case. The hand that you have been dealt is custom made just for you. You are the one that is in need of those experiences. There is no one greater than you and no one lesser than you.
You are the greatest miracle in the world. "
~by Nestor & Katerina Gasset~


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