The Secret


打从接触过《The Secret》后,开始对The Law of Attraction深信不疑起来了。
开始前,先问一问你自己What do you really want?

The Secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is, and all that will ever be. What this power is, I cannot say. Everything in the universe is energy. All I know is that it exists. All power is from within and is under our control. 当你懂得和加以运用后,你会发现Thought become things. Whatever it is you are feeling, is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming. What you think & what you feel & what manifest is always a match.

If u knew u have potential to feel good, u will ask no one to be different so that u can feel good. U would free yourself of all that come in possibility. The Powerful Process starts with Gratitude & Visualize. When u visualize, then u materialize. Whatever the mind a man can conceive, it can achieve.

Take the first step in faith. U don't hv to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. When u have inspire thought, u hv to trust it, and u hv to act on it.

If u believe it, u can see it. If u act from it, it will show up for u. That's the truth. What u resists persists.

U r the only one who creates your reality, it was no one else, but every little bit of u.

后记:我当初还犹豫着应该怎么写和介绍这么好康的?但是,我只想到要放上来分享,也首先将边看边记录下来的精彩有意思的文字/语录先打下后,我看到我根本已经把精华都爆了出来,只需把那对文字/语录好好整理一下,马上就可以品尝到整部影片的主要精髓了。一切自然有‘人’安排好的。That's right~ ^_^


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