News from JFKL
今天打开邮件信箱,看见了来自JFKL的活动讯息。如果我的时间上允许,真希望出席这两项(虽然第一项,严格来说我该算是被淘汰出局了吧?一来,性别。二来,年龄。呵呵!;-p)但是,难得的这些有意思的活动,我想我还是搬来这里让更多有兴趣的朋友去‘替我’走一趟,看看真否这么好玩,或者喜欢照相的朋友们,也许这也是别开生面的练习好时机呀~kodomo's photo session(我想他们一定很可爱)...然后,记得与我分享喔~ ^_~
第一项 - Children’s Day Tea Gathering (如果我是小孩子,我会很想出席...因为这是小孩的茶餐会喔...呵呵呵~大人的世界,你们懂么?)
May 5 is the “Children’s Day” in Japan and a national holiday. It is celebrated in hope that the children would grow up well and be successful in life. Originally known as the “Tango no Sekku 端午の節句” or Boy’s Festival, the celebration was reserved for the boys in the former days but today for children in general.
To enjoy and celebrate this Japanese seasonal event, we will hold a tea ceremony hosted by Ms Takano, an Urasenke instructor.
Date: Saturday, 8 May 2010
Time: 2:00pm, 2:45pm & 3:30pm (3 sessions, 30min per session)
Venue: The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur (JFKL) (够贴心了吧?连地图都给贴上来了)
Ticket Fee: RM 5
Telephone booking is required. Please call JFKL at 03 2284 6228 from 26 to 28 April 2010 (8:30am - 12:30pm & 2:00pm - 4:30pm) for ticket reservation. Max 2 tickets per person due to the limited number of seats. Strictly no walk-in participants are allowed on the day of the event.
第二项 - The Weekend Japanese Film Show
(我也是rainbow seeker哩~每次雨后的天空,我肯定抬头寻找彩虹的出没。那天在大道的回途中就看见了两次的彩虹,当然高兴啦!^_~)
Date : 1 May 2010 (Sat)
Movie : “The Rainbow Seeker”
Time : 3:00pm
The film will be screened at :
Pawagam Mini P. Ramlee, FINAS (National Film Development Corporation Malaysia)
Admission Free
Note: Due to discontinuation of production of 16mm film projectors in Japan, replacements of such damaged prints are difficult. Your kind understanding would be very much appreciated. (16mm的影片如今好像很难找到了是吗..?)