0630手机闹钟响了, 说好今早去晨运, 当然要早起. (虽然还想再睡,但不可以这样以惰为伍)
寄了封简讯叫醒朋友, 然后就去洗刷了.
清晨的空气应该清新(哈哈,何以见得?) 当我们要越过马路时, 瞧见刚被一辆厂巴经过的不远处, 乌烟瘴气, 真是有够清新咯!
许久没有运动, 还是不敢一步登天. 只是步行( 以比较快一点的速度而已).
从我家开始步行到邻近的公园, 再绕了Jogging Trek一圈, 绕上公园一圈, 就开始走回家了.
路程不长, 但对于近年来常以车代步的我, 鲜少有这样的机会可以走动了. (那些逛街的不算, 因为没有出汗, 也没有心跳过百)
还好, 这样的短短一段路, 不长不短. 有斜坡, 有阶梯, 有平路, 总算有出汗. 而且回程, 就眼见天色[大便], 连早餐都不吃了.
把保费交待好后, 就各自分道扬镳了. 随后, 就真的[便]倾盆而泻!
(后记 : 这个年头连收保费都要陪客户晨运,真是生活难过咯!哈哈!)
寄了封简讯叫醒朋友, 然后就去洗刷了.
清晨的空气应该清新(哈哈,何以见得?) 当我们要越过马路时, 瞧见刚被一辆厂巴经过的不远处, 乌烟瘴气, 真是有够清新咯!
许久没有运动, 还是不敢一步登天. 只是步行( 以比较快一点的速度而已).
从我家开始步行到邻近的公园, 再绕了Jogging Trek一圈, 绕上公园一圈, 就开始走回家了.
路程不长, 但对于近年来常以车代步的我, 鲜少有这样的机会可以走动了. (那些逛街的不算, 因为没有出汗, 也没有心跳过百)
还好, 这样的短短一段路, 不长不短. 有斜坡, 有阶梯, 有平路, 总算有出汗. 而且回程, 就眼见天色[大便], 连早餐都不吃了.
把保费交待好后, 就各自分道扬镳了. 随后, 就真的[便]倾盆而泻!
(后记 : 这个年头连收保费都要陪客户晨运,真是生活难过咯!哈哈!)
.......... .... .. .......
.................. .......... .......... ........ .. ... zzzZZhh zzzhhhzz ...zzhhhhzzzz, UFO is here becos some changing from PS , keep on and move on , huray ! huray !!! kekeke.
More surprise myself is the motivation of keeping exercise.Tat's all. Coz I need to maintain a healthy body n a fresh mind.Not bcoz of 'anybody'.
Well, sumtimes is better to prove by practical than a thousand words. (i dun mind if u think n say abt me with who...I am who i am, i know wat i'm doing)
Actually, I'm feelin funny as earlier I can't find any1 to company me for early jogging.So, tat's y that poor insurance fren 'kena'. Later then only i received call tat one of my colleague live nearby also practice exercise n go hiking at BJ one..so next time, I can go with her. N d same day, my sis gang also called me out for evening walk. Haha..wat a coincidence day..ai eh c, cui bo lang!Bo toh ka liao peh peh lai!
So, I've walked in d morning n evening y'day.At nite, hv to do d foot massage. :-(