Pls spare a minute of silence with me......

是凌零种种, 烦杂琐碎的东一撇,西一横的恼人事务......


在一个人发飙时,无论别人给予什么赞美的话,只会回以冷笑一个!(很抱歉, 诚恳的赞赏却换来无情的对待.明天, 我会向她道歉)
在失控的时候, 很容易想逃避现实. 没有考虑太多, 只想逃离现状.
在失去理智时, 会意气用事. 开快车, 加速再加速, 好像连自己的生命和周遭的人都不管了.
在失去笑容的同时, 脸色是超难看的. 连周遭的无辜人事也无所幸免,偏偏就是以一副大家都得罪了我的死样板长块脸示人.

对, 就是全世界都得罪了我的心态!什么都变得不顺眼, 不喜欢, 不称心, 不公平.......
我要如何学会不被情绪控制自己, 而是操控情绪?
但愿我有一天, 快乐伴我每一天.


Anonymous said…
Hope that you will recover from the sadness very soon. Cheers ;)
Anonymous said…
kekeke , is wa ...
is just a word no matter how often u go to temple and so call pray, when u not practice u preach there is not reaching evolved, we all hypaspist, do everything now to change for our best to benefit fm it so tht other can benefit aswell - be aware of ur emotion and talk inside urself remaid to bring positive thinking when u feel bad ~ like Buddha, understand his teaching and living it. ~meditate~
AMC said…
Dont worry my friend, its OK to be "kee-siao" from time to time. I see it as one of the way to release your tension and frustration. More important is that you have to know what you are doing when you are in the state of "siao", try to avoid injured yourself or people around you. Take your time and I am sure you will be normal again soon.
pepC said…
Wah~I tot I've request for a minute of silence, who knows I received 3 comments frm u all.

I nvr expect any comment regarding my personal issue.Anyway, thanks for ur concern.:)

Well, y'day is y'day(PAST TENSE):(
while today is today(PRESENT):)
Of course I'll look forward n not trapped by PAST!:D

(p/s:I've apollogized to her d for my rudeness)
AMC said…
hmm... i like the way you can put down things. I am trapped with yesterday, didnt live my today very well, and worried about tomorrow. I should start learning from you..Master foo!
pepC said…

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